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Built-in expression parser

Turing has a built-in mathematical expression parser, which is used when the program is in pseudocode mode.

The language is case-insensitive for keywords, i.e. FALSE, false and FaLsE are the same thing.



Stored using a Python float, automatically converted to int when needed.

A point (.) shall be used to separate the integer part from the fractional part.



Stored using a Python bool, automatically converted to Number when needed (only if strict mode is disabled).


The following keywords are available:


Stored using a Python str (Unicode).

A string is enclosed between double quotes ("). It is not possible yet to escape characters inside a string literal.


Stored using a Python list, indices start at 0 (like in any real programming language. Lua, you should feel ashamed of yourself).


Certain operators can be applied on operands of type List.

+ (Plus)

Concatenates two lists.

- (Binary minus)

Returns all items of A that are not in B.

- (Unary minus)

Returns a reversed copy of the list.

* (Times)

Must be used on a List and a Number together.

Duplicates the list the specified amount of times.

& / ET (Intersection)

Returns all items of A that are also in B.

| / OU (Union)

Returns an ordered list of all items of A and all items of B, without duplicates.

XOR (exclusive Or)

Returns an ordered list of all items that are present either in A or B but not both.


Function / lambda

Standard Python function.


A function call consists of the function followed by an argument list enclosed in parentheses. The function can be an identifier or any expression returning a function.

someFunc(arg1, arg2, arg3)

The argument list can be passed as a list object, for example for dynamic calls, using the * expanding operator in front of the list object.

gcd(*[248, 4584]) == gcd(248, 4584)

Lambda/inline function syntax

Comma-separated list of parameters enclosed in braces, followed by expression enclosed in parentheses. The function can be called immediately. There is no limit to the amount of parameters. A parameter is made of an identifier, no less, no more.

Varargs are not available yet.



Binary operators

Symbol Operator Types
+ Plus, Concatenate Number, String, List
- Minus, Reverse Number, List
* Times, Repeat Number, List
/ Divide Number
% Modulus Number
^ Power Number
<= Less than or equal Number
< Strictly less than Number
> Strictly greater than Number
>= Greater than or equal Number
== Equals All
!= Not equals All
& / ET AND / Intersection Number, Boolean, List
| / OU OR / Union Number, Boolean, List
XOR Exclusive OR / Exclusive union Number, Boolean, List

Unary operators

Symbol Operator Types
- Negate Number, List
NON Invert Boolean

The numbers and booleans are treated the same way as in plain Python. In other words, booleans can be treated as numbers (False becomes 0 and True becomes 1), and numbers can be treated as booleans (0 becomes False and everything else becomes `True).

If strict mode is enabled, operators can only be used with operands of identical type, and implicit number-boolean casts are disabled. The c_bool and c_num functions can then be used for that purpose.

Function library

The engine provides many functions that can be used with almost all value types.

In the following table, a type name followed by a star (*) means that the function accepts a variable argument list of the specified self.


The average function accepts either List(Number) or Number*. Thus, it can be used either with a list object: average(myList) or with varargs: average(1, 2, 3).

Name Parameters Description
abs <ul><li>num (Number)</li></ul> Returns the absolute value of num.
arg / phase <ul><li>x (Number)</li></ul> Returns the argument (or phase) of x.
ceil <ul><li>num (Number)</li></ul> Returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to num.
conj <ul><li>x (Number)</li></ul> Returns the complex conjugate of x.
derivative / deriv <ul><li>func (Function(Number))</li><li>h (Number) default = 1e-07</li></ul> Returns the derivative of func (optional precision h).
exp <ul><li>num (Number)</li></ul> Returns e to the power of num.
floor <ul><li>num (Number)</li></ul> Returns the largest integer less than or equal to num.
gcd / pgcd <ul><li>a (Integer)</li><li>b (Integer)</li></ul> Returns the greatest common divisor of a and b.
gradient <ul><li>func (Function(Number))</li><li>x (Number)</li><li>h (Number) default = 1e-07</li></ul> Returns the gradient of func at x (optional precision h).
im <ul><li>x (Number)</li></ul> Returns the imaginary part of x.
integrate / integ <ul><li>func (Function(Number))</li><li>a (Number)</li><li>b (Number)</li><li>steps (Integer) default = 100000</li></ul> Returns the integral of func from a to b (optional number of steps: steps).
lcm / ppcm <ul><li>a (Integer)</li><li>b (Integer)</li></ul> Returns the least common multiple of a and b.
ln <ul><li>num (Number)</li></ul> Returns the natural (base-e) logarithm of num.
log <ul><li>num (Number)</li><li>b (Number) != 0, default = e</li></ul> Returns the base-b logarithm of num.
log10 <ul><li>num (Number)</li></ul> Returns the base-10 logarithm of num.
lower / minu <ul><li>s (String)</li></ul> Returns the lowercase version of s.
polar / polaire <ul><li>x (Number)</li></ul> Returns a list containing the polar coordinates of x, respectively the modulus (radius) and argument (angle).
pow / puiss <ul><li>num (Number)</li><li>p (Number)</li></ul> Returns num to the p-th power.
re <ul><li>x (Number)</li></ul> Returns the real part of x.
rect <ul><li>r (Number)</li><li>phi (Number)</li></ul> Converts the specified polar coordinates to a complex number.
root <ul><li>num (Number)</li><li>n (Number) != 0</li></ul> Returns the n-th root of num.
round / arrondi <ul><li>num (Number)</li><li>prec (Real)</li></ul> Rounds num to the nearest integer / (if specified) to prec decimals.
sign <ul><li>num (Real)</li></ul> Returns the sign of num (-1 if negative, 1 if positive, 0 otherwise).
sqrt / rac <ul><li>num (Number)</li></ul> Returns the square root of num. If num < 0, the result will be Complex.
upper / maju <ul><li>s (String)</li></ul> Returns the uppercase version of s.
area_circle <ul><li>radius (Real)</li></ul> Returns the area of the circle with the specified radius.
area_cube <ul><li>side (Real)</li></ul> Returns the surface area of the cube with the specified side length.
area_cylinder <ul><li>radius (Real)</li><li>height (Real)</li></ul> Returns the surface area of the cylinder with the specified radius and height.
area_ellipse <ul><li>r1 (Real)</li><li>r2 (Real)</li></ul> Returns the area of the ellipse with radii r1 and r2.
area_parallelepiped <ul><li>a (Real)</li><li>b (Real)</li><li>c (Real)</li></ul> Returns the surface area of the parallelogram with side lengths a, b and c.
area_parallelogram <ul><li>base (Real)</li><li>height (Real)</li></ul> Returns the area of the parallelogram with the specified base and height.
area_polygon <ul><li>sides (Integer)</li><li>length (Real)</li></ul> Returns the area of the regular polygon with the specified number of sides and side length.
area_rectangle <ul><li>s1 (Real)</li><li>s2 (Real)</li></ul> Returns the area of the rectangle with side lengths s1 and s2.
area_sector <ul><li>radius (Real)</li><li>angle (Real)</li></ul> Returns the area of the circle sector with the specified radius and angle.
area_sphere <ul><li>radius (Real)</li></ul> Returns the surface area of the sphere with the specified radius.
area_square <ul><li>side (Real)</li></ul> Returns the area of the square with the specified side length.
area_trapezoid <ul><li>a (Real)</li><li>b (Real)</li><li>height (Real)</li></ul> Returns the area of the trapezoid with sides a and b and height height.
area_triangle <ul><li>base (Real)</li><li>height (Real)</li></ul> Returns the area of the triangle with the specified base and height.
area_triangle_sides <ul><li>a (Real)</li><li>b (Real)</li><li>c (Real)</li></ul> Returns the area of the triangle with the specified side lengths.
peri_circle <ul><li>radius (Real)</li></ul> Returns the perimeter of the circle with the specified radius.
vol_cube <ul><li>side (Real)</li></ul> Returns the volume of the cube with the specified side length.
vol_cylinder <ul><li>radius (Real)</li><li>height (Real)</li></ul> Returns the volume of the cylinder with the specified radius and height.
vol_parallelepiped <ul><li>a (Real)</li><li>b (Real)</li><li>c (Real)</li></ul> Returns the volume of the parallelogram with side lengths a, b and c.
vol_pyramid <ul><li>sides (Integer)</li><li>length (Real)</li><li>height (Real)</li></ul> Returns the volume of the regular pyramid with the specified number of sides, side length and height.
vol_sphere <ul><li>radius (Real)</li></ul> Returns the volume of the sphere with the specified radius.
arithm_mean / moyenne / average <ul><li>args (List(Number))</li></ul> Returns the arithmetic mean of args.
beta <ul><li>a (Number)</li><li>b (Number)</li></ul> Returns the Beta function at a and b.
binomial <ul><li>n (Number)</li><li>k (Number)</li></ul> Returns the binomial coefficient for a subset of size k and a set of size n.
choice / choix <ul><li>args (List(Any))</li></ul> Returns a random element from args.
d_binomial <ul><li>n (Integer)</li><li>p (Real) 0 <= p <= 1</li><li>k (Integer)</li></ul> Returns the probability for k with the binomial distribution of parameters n and p.
d_normal_cdf <ul><li>mu (Real)</li><li>sigma (Real)</li><li>x (Real)</li></ul> Returns the cumulative probability for x with the normal distribution of parameters µ=mu and σ=sigma.
d_normal_cdf_inv <ul><li>mu (Real)</li><li>sigma (Real)</li><li>p (Real)</li></ul> Returns the number with cumulative probability p with the normal distribution of parameters µ=mu and σ=sigma.
d_normal_pdf <ul><li>mu (Real)</li><li>sigma (Real)</li><li>x (Real)</li></ul> Returns the probability for x with the normal distribution of parameters µ=mu and σ=sigma.
d_normal_std_cdf <ul><li>x (Real)</li></ul> Returns the cumulative probability for x with the standard normal distribution (µ=0 and σ=1).
d_normal_std_cdf_inv <ul><li>p (Real)</li></ul> Returns the number with cumulative probability p with the standard normal distribution (µ=0 and σ=1).
d_normal_std_pdf <ul><li>x (Real)</li></ul> Returns the probability for x with the standard normal distribution (µ=0 and σ=1).
erf <ul><li>x (Number)</li></ul> Returns the error function at x.
erfc <ul><li>x (Number)</li></ul> Returns the complementary error function at x.
erfcinv <ul><li>y (Number)</li></ul> Returns the inverse of the complementary error function at y.
erfinv <ul><li>y (Number)</li></ul> Returns the inverse of the error function at y.
euler <ul><li>n (Integer)</li></ul> Returns the n-th Euler number.
fact <ul><li>x (Integer)</li></ul> Returns the factorial of x.
fib <ul><li>n (Integer)</li></ul> Returns the n-th Fibonacci number.
filter / filtre <ul><li>func (Function(1 arg))</li><li>lst (List)</li></ul> Returns a list containing all elements of lst for which func returns a truthy value.
gamma <ul><li>x (Number)</li></ul> Returns the Gamma function at x.
harmonic_mean / moyenne_harmo <ul><li>args (List(Number))</li></ul> Returns the harmonic mean of args.
irange <ul><li>start (Number)</li><li>end (Number)</li><li>step (Number) default = 1</li></ul> Generates a list containing all number from start (inclusive) to end (inclusive) with a step of step.
len / taille <ul><li>T (List)</li></ul> Returns the number of elements in T.
log_gamma <ul><li>x (Number)</li></ul> Returns the natural logarithm of the absolute value of the Gamma function at x.
map / appl <ul><li>func (Function(1 arg))</li><li>lst (List)</li></ul> Applies func to each element of lst and returns the resulting list.
max <ul><li>args (List(Number))</li></ul> Returns the maximum value of args.
max_index <ul><li>args (List(Number))</li></ul> Returns the index of maximum value of args.
median <ul><li>lst (List(Number))</li></ul> Returns the median of lst.
min <ul><li>args (List(Number))</li></ul> Returns the minimum value of args.
min_index <ul><li>args (List(Number))</li></ul> Returns the index of minimum value of args.
mode <ul><li>lst (List(Number))</li></ul> Returns the mode of lst.
randint / alea_ent <ul><li>a (Integer)</li><li>b (Integer)</li></ul> Returns a random integer between a and b (inclusive).
random / alea <ul><li>None</li></ul> Returns a random number between 0 (inclusive) and 1 (exclusive).
range <ul><li>start (Number)</li><li>end (Number)</li><li>step (Number) default = 1</li></ul> Generates a list containing all number from start (inclusive) to end (exclusive) with a step of step.
slice / tranche <ul><li>lst (List)</li><li>start (Integer) 0 <= start <= end <= len(lst)</li><li>end (Integer) start <= end <= len(lst)</li></ul> Returns a slice of the specified list, from index start (inclusive) to either index end (exclusive) or the end of the list.
stand_dev / ecart_type <ul><li>lst (List(Number))</li></ul> Returns the population standard deviation of lst.
stand_dev_sample / ecart_type_echant <ul><li>lst (List(Number))</li></ul> Returns the sample standard deviation of lst.
sum <ul><li>args (List(Number))</li></ul> Returns the sum of all the terms of args.
swap <ul><li>T (List)</li><li>a (Integer)</li><li>b (Integer)</li></ul> Swaps the elements of t at indices a and b.
variance <ul><li>lst (List(Number))</li></ul> Returns the population variance of lst.
variance_sample / variance_echant <ul><li>lst (List(Number))</li></ul> Returns the sample variance of lst.
acos <ul><li>x (Number)</li></ul> Returns the arc cosine of x.
acosh <ul><li>x (Number)</li></ul> Returns the inverse hyperbolic cosine of x.
acot <ul><li>x (Number)</li></ul> Returns the inverse cotangent of x.
acoth <ul><li>x (Number)</li></ul> Returns the inverse hyperbolic cotangent of x.
acsc <ul><li>x (Number)</li></ul> Returns the inverse cosecant of x.
acsch <ul><li>x (Number)</li></ul> Returns the inverse hyperbolic cosecant of x.
asec <ul><li>x (Number)</li></ul> Returns the inverse secant of x.
asech <ul><li>x (Number)</li></ul> Returns the inverse hyperbolic secant of x.
asin <ul><li>x (Number)</li></ul> Returns the arc sine of x.
asinh <ul><li>x (Number)</li></ul> Returns the inverse hyperbolic sine of x.
atan <ul><li>x (Number)</li></ul> Returns the arc tangent of x.
atan2 <ul><li>y (Number)</li><li>x (Number)</li></ul> Returns the arc tangent of y / x.
atanh <ul><li>x (Number)</li></ul> Returns the inverse hyperbolic tangent of x.
chord / crd <ul><li>x (Number)</li></ul> Returns the chord of x.
cos <ul><li>x (Number)</li></ul> Returns the cosine of x.
cosh <ul><li>x (Number)</li></ul> Returns the hyperbolic cosine of x.
cot <ul><li>x (Number)</li></ul> Returns the cotangent of x.
coth <ul><li>x (Number)</li></ul> Returns the hyperbolic cotangent of x.
covercos <ul><li>x (Number)</li></ul> Returns the coversed cosine of x.
coversin <ul><li>x (Number)</li></ul> Returns the coversed sine of x.
csc <ul><li>x (Number)</li></ul> Returns the cosecant of x.
csch <ul><li>x (Number)</li></ul> Returns the hyperbolic cosecant of x.
degrees / deg <ul><li>x (Number)</li></ul> Converts angle x from radians to degrees.
excsc <ul><li>x (Number)</li></ul> Returns the excosecant of x.
exsec <ul><li>x (Number)</li></ul> Returns the exsecant of x.
hacovercos <ul><li>x (Number)</li></ul> Returns the hacoversed cosine of x.
hacoversin <ul><li>x (Number)</li></ul> Returns the hacoversed sine of x.
havercos <ul><li>x (Number)</li></ul> Returns the haversed cosine of x.
haversin <ul><li>x (Number)</li></ul> Returns the haversed sine of x.
hypot <ul><li>x (Number)</li><li>y (Number)</li></ul> Returns the hypotenuse / Euclidean norm of the vector (x, y).
radians / rad <ul><li>x (Number)</li></ul> Converts angle x from degrees to radians.
sec <ul><li>x (Number)</li></ul> Returns the secant of x.
sech <ul><li>x (Number)</li></ul> Returns the hyperbolic secant of x.
sin <ul><li>x (Number)</li></ul> Returns the sine of x.
sinc <ul><li>x (Number)</li></ul> Returns the cardinal sine of x.
sinh <ul><li>x (Number)</li></ul> Returns the hyperbolic sine of x.
tan <ul><li>x (Number)</li></ul> Returns the tangent of x.
tanh <ul><li>x (Number)</li></ul> Returns the hyperbolic tangent of x.
vercos <ul><li>x (Number)</li></ul> Returns the versed cosine of x.
versin <ul><li>x (Number)</li></ul> Returns the versed sine of x.
  Type conversion  
c_bool <ul><li>obj (Any)</li></ul> Tries to convert obj to Boolean.
c_list <ul><li>obj (Any)</li></ul> Tries to convert obj to List.
c_num <ul><li>obj (Any)</li></ul> Tries to convert obj to Number.
c_str <ul><li>obj (Any)</li></ul> Converts obj to String.

Useful (?) constants are also provided, with the maximum supported precision.

Name Approximated value Description
  Other constants  
e 2.718281828459045 e - Euler number
euler_gamma 0.577215664901533 γ - Euler-Mascheroni constant
i i i - Imaginary unit
inf inf - Positive infinity
khinchin 2.685452001065306 K0 - Khinchin’s constant
phi 1.618033988749895 φ - Golden ratio
celerity 299792458 c - Speed of light in vacuum (m·s-1)
gravity 6.6740831·10-11 G - Gravitational constant (N·m2·kg-2)
planck 6.62607004081·10-34 h - Planck constant (J·s-1)
planck_charge 1.8755459·10-18 qP - Planck charge (C)
planck_length 1.61622938·10-35 lP - Planck length (m)
planck_mass 2.17647051·10-8 mP - Planck mass (kg)
planck_temp 1.41680833·1032 TP - Planck temperature (K)
planck_time 5.3911413·10-44 tP - Planck time (s)
red_planck 1.054571629·10-34 ħ - Reduced Planck constant (J·s-1)
vacuum_imped 376.730313461770663 Z0 - Impedance of free space (Ω)
vacuum_permea 1.256637061435917·10-6 μ0 - Vacuum permeability (N·A-2)
vacuum_permit 8.854187817620389·10-12 ε0 - Vacuum permittivity (F·m-1)
catalan 0.915965594177219 G - Catalan’s constant
glaisher 1.282427129100623 A - Glaisher-Kinkelin constant
pi 3.141592653589793 π - Perimeter of a circle of diameter 1
tau 6.283185307179586 τ - Double of π